European Comission |
Marie-Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship |
Apply to fund your stay at a European institution (or consider hosting a MSC Fellow from another country!). |
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European Comission |
European Research Council (ERC) |
The ERC grants support for individual researchers of any nationality and age who wish to pursue their frontier research. The ERC encourages in particular proposals that cross disciplinary boundaries, pioneering ideas that address new and emerging fields, and applications that introduce unconventional, innovative approaches. |
European Comission |
Erasmus+ |
if you would like to teach at a European host institution. Funding for short training periods abroad is available as well. |
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Elitenetwerk Bayern |
Marianne-Plehn-Programm |
Mit Stelle und Stipendium promovieren: Mit dem MariannePlehnProgramm fördern wir herausragende wissenschaftliche Nachwuchstalente während ihres Promotionsstipendiums der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes. Im Zentrum des MariannePlehnProgramms steht dabei eine innerhalb Bayerns frei wählbare, vom Elitenetzwerk Bayern finanzierte Viertelstelle an einer Hochschule, die um ein bayerisches Exzellenzprogramm ergänzt wird. |
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Elitenetwerk Bayern |
Internationale Doktorandenkollegs |
Doing an excellent doctorate: The Elite Network of Bavaria supports international doctoral programs in various disciplines. The doctoral colleges offer talented young academics a highly demanding study and research program with an international focus. During their doctorate, doctoral students benefit from intensive supervision and employment at the university. |
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Elitenetwerk Bayern |
Internationale Nachwuchsforschungs-gruppen |
Top support for doctoral graduates: With its International Junior Research Groups, the Elite Network of Bavaria offers outstanding doctoral graduates from all over the world attractive career prospects at Bavarian universities. The junior research groups are funded for a period of up to six years and pave the way to academic independence. |
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Körber Stiftung |
Deutscher Studienpreis |
Every year, we award the German Academic Award to the best doctoral graduates from all disciplines. The social significance of research is what counts most: we encourage young academics to emphasize the social value of their own academic achievements and to engage in a public debate about them. The deadline for submissions is March 1 each year. |
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Emerging Talents Initiative |
FAU is particularly keen to recognize and encourage outstanding talents from the outset. The Emerging Talents Initiative (FAUeti) is aimed at helping excellent young researchers apply for external funding. This should give young researchers the possibility to promote an innovative project independently and extend their academic independence. |
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Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung |
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mainly funds stays of international researchers in Germany. Other programs provide funding for researchers working at German institutions who would like to spend some time at the lab of a Humboldt fellow abroad. The Foundation funds people, not ideas or projects. Networking is an important aspect of their work. |
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(German Academic Exchange Service) provides individual fellowships for German students, teaching staff, and researchers going abroad and vice versa. Conference travels or travels in the frame of an international research project can also be supported. |
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offers a range of international modules in the frame of funded projects or events. |
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