Job Offers


Below you can find current vacancies, internships, final assignments, etc.

Some job offers are written only in German.

We are also happy to add your job offer to the website. Please send an e-mail to


Final assignments

The Department of Internal Medicine 3 is offering at the earliest possible time the following project:
Time-course of spatiotemporal gait parameters for monitoring treatment response
in patients with musculoskeletal diseases

Learn More.

Please remember that you always need a supervisor from FAU.

Working student/Student Assistant offers

The Department Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering (AIBE) at FAU is hiring an App Developer with a Machine Learning Background (m/f/d) for an innovative project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Health, Care, and Prevention.

Part-time positions available (up to 19h/week), immediate hiring. Remote work possible with essential in-person meetings.

Read the full job description here.

Please direct any correspondence to:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Kist,



Information and vacancies for internships and semesters abroad